Tangerang City Courier is courier / parcel delivery service and documents express to Tangerang, Jakarta and Surrounding areas
Timing is very important in the business world and the world of work
The high mobility of modern society and a change in lifestyle that is very practical, making service Tangerang City Courier present to meet the needs of the community in Tangerang , Jakarta and surrounding areas. Under the auspices of the CV.Putra Sentosa and handled by experienced staffs, Tangerang CIty Courier ready to support our customer, Both indivuduals and companies who require our service.
We provide a money back guarantee if the mail does not reach the same day
Our Customers / Clients Tangerang City Courier are good business people oriented in online and offline and individuals as well as professionals and some government agencies.
ORDER SYSTEMOperational time order entry by Tangerang City Courier starting from 09:00 - 17:00 PM
Customer call CS Tangerang City Courier -> CS Tangerang City Courier accept an order -> CS Tangerang CIty Courier assigned to the fleet -> Pick fleet orders -> Direct fleet ship the order to the destination
Why You should choose Tangerang City Courier as your partner ?
1. Same Day Delivery Service
2. Flexible and affordable costs
3. Money Back Guarantee
4.Tangerang City Courier incorporated so that confidentiality of customer data we guarantee with our legality
Phone . 021-51233334
SMS / CALL. 08561368015
BlackBerry Pin . 2943A2B2
SMS / CALL. 08561368015
BlackBerry Pin . 2943A2B2